Re: The Reactor Core (The Atomic Punk’s Archive)

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The Atomic Punk

Character Contest 30: It’s a Class Thing

My second entry was “Warblade.” A random, one-shot character, he is a cinematic martial artist. In D&D terms, a warblade is a professional soldier / mercenary.



Warblade’s origins are a mystery. Depending on the rumor, he is a former Green Beret, a Russian Spetsnaz, a Mossad agent, a former MMA champion. It doesn’t matter. He is the ultimate human weapon. Seemingly master of all forms of martials arts and weapons of all eras.

He is neither hero nor villain. Simply a man obsessed with fighting heroes and villains. He never talks. It almost seems that he doesn’t even breath. His exposed skin is completely hairless. His eyes are a cold blood red. He is never seen without his mask nor his trademark white hat.

Sometimes Warblade appears invited. He takes on all challenges. Money and prizes are accepted so he may live to fight another day. Other times, he appears without warning. He has been known to position himself between opposing sides already in the midst of battle. Taking on all challengers, any number at a time.

He never speaks. Warblade simply gestures for his opponents to dare take his hat. More than once, it has been knocked from his head. Never has it touched the ground. With super-agility, he is able to snatch it from the air and place it back on top.

Warblade has been known to use all kinds of weapons. He even improvises weapons. If necessary to escape, but not finish a battle, he has used explosives and firearms. He prefers his bokken. Perhaps it is the irony of being known as Warblade and severing limbs with wooden swords.