Re: CantDraw Gallery of Bad Art

Home Forums The HeroMachine Art Gallery CantDraw Gallery of Bad Art Re: CantDraw Gallery of Bad Art



The Shadow Sanction:
Formed as a joint operation between several European countries and the United States after the Carrington Event of 1859, the Shadow Sanction protects Earth from interdimensional and extraterrestial forces. Their members include the most powerful superheroes our planet has never known for they operate in secret, silent guardians in an unknown frontier. Mighty is one of those members, and here is another, Shifter:


A master swordsman, she has twin magic swords that allow how to shift in and out of reality in the blink of an eye, which gives the impression that she’s moving at super-speed. Since her chi is tied to the swords, she does not have to hold them for the ability to work, as long as they are in close proximity. The swords are doorways to a darker dimension. Without the swords, she is the world’s finest sword master. Her style is a combination of Drunken Fist and Kenpo.

Black leather, dual swords, and an unrealistic pose – my work is done.