Re: Trekkie’s World

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And true to my word, here’s an another addition to my LGBTQ+ fantasy series.

Luna is a sprite. Like many sprites, ze’s genderfluid. A sprite’s skin changes colour depending on their gender (not sex. Sprites have multiple sexes and the associated characteristics are generally not obvious to outsiders.). Depending on how often their gender shifts, they can change skin colour more than once a day. For example, this morning Luna’s skin was deep red.
Luna hirself is also pansexual (most sprites are, but of course there’s plenty of exceptions) and spends most of hir time tending to the plants in the forest where ze lives. Recently ze ran into a certain adventuring elf and her girlfriend, and struck up quite the friendship.

Doing the background for this character reminded me why I rarely do backgrounds- they take forever!
Incidentally, how well do you guys think I captured an androgynous look for the face?