Re: Please allow me to introduce myself…

Home Forums The HeroMachine Art Gallery Please allow me to introduce myself… Re: Please allow me to introduce myself…



Figured I’d round out this introduction with a few more characters. The woman is Jaz. Jasmine Tashae. Otherwise known as the Lady of Blades. (Urban legend says if you’re a kid in trouble, all you have to do is say her name three times in the mirror and she’ll appear to protect you). “Lady of Blades, Lady of Blades, Lady of Blades.” It’s like Bloody Mary, but with a more positive outcome. For the kid, at least. Less so for an abusive adult.

Then we have the vampire Raven. He’s known as the vampire boogeyman. Forced by Hades to create vampires for his undead army, Raven would slip out and ruthlessly eliminate rogue vamps in disguise. Raven, whose power allows him to cloak himself from any known form of detection or observation, could simply walk up to a rogue and shoot him in the eye. Problem solved.

Next up is MY Loki. Looks like a kid, doesn’t he? Well, he’s 25,000 years old, give or take. And that woman isn’t his wife. Of course, his wife isn’t the kind you’d want to cheat on, being a telepathic vampire and all.