Re: CantDraw Gallery of Bad Art

Home Forums The HeroMachine Art Gallery CantDraw Gallery of Bad Art Re: CantDraw Gallery of Bad Art



Okay, Herr D, you were right. I can’t stay away from HM. I started on a novel but there is no way I’m writing it in a month. Next up for HM, pirates! Arrrrrgh! Lately, I’ve become interested in these swarthy characters. In my head, I’m picturing a Soul Calibur type game but only with pirates, instead of just one. So, here’s the first, Captain Paine:


Captain Paine was once a slave on a merchant vessel but led a mutiny and took over as captain. She overcame her captors due to her intelligence and training in eastern fighting arts. Somehow her years of torture and anger imbued itself into an ancient weapon now known as the Chain of Paine. Anyone who wields it experiences physical pain but the recipient of it’s barbed ends receives double.