Re: The Reactor Core (The Atomic Punk’s Archive)

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The Atomic Punk

Császárné Anna és Rebecka: Tanítás a Leckét
Empress Anna and Rebecka: Teaching a Lesson

“We spoiled our daughter. She pouts, throws a tantrum, and we give in. Discipline and punishment only encourage her to misbehave. Hopefully, it’s not too late to prepare Erzsé to rule the Sisterhood. Perhaps she needs more than a simple ‘nem.’

“Erzsé needs to understand her destiny. An Empress’ power is absolute. An Empress must be just and righteous. An Empress must also be charitable and forgiving.

“We shall return you to the Princess. Before we do, we shall teach Erzsé a lesson. There are consequences to her indiscretions. That’s why we took you from her, Rebecka, you miserable kék-lány.”