Re: Timedrop23’s Characters

Home Forums The HeroMachine Art Gallery Timedrop23’s Characters Re: Timedrop23’s Characters



Here are a couple of characters I did months ago. They are not my original work, but I did them anyway to see if I could replicate and/or fix the designs. Credit is given to the original authors.

The first is Friday Night Fights entry Bumblebee by Firecracker:
Bumblebee photo Bumblebee_zps913faadd.png
This was mainly to see if I could re-create the character, and because I thought it was a nice design. The only fix I really saw that this character needed was a layering issue with the triangular spandex top item.

This next character was in need of more of a makeover. Here’s my re-make of Golden Age Heroine Contest Winner, Platinum Bomb by Cliff:
Platinum Bomb photo PlatinumBomb_zps52d3ed46.png
I mostly just gave her actual earrings and made her feet more consistent, but I liked this design, too.