Home Forums Art Contests & Challenges ONE PART, MANY CHARACTERS contest…… Re: ONE PART, MANY CHARACTERS contest……


Herr D

The fanged mouth is actually in two places. In almost pure white about a dozen times, slightly y-scrunched and x-stretched, it’s part of the whipped-cream icing–when you y-scrunch it, the fangs get dull. Then, very tiny about ten times, y-scrunched and overlapping in silver and light gray–the dessert fork handle’s silver pattern. The interesting thing about that grip is that ‘dividing’ a handle in half lengthwise makes masking less necessary. The lower half is on top of the hand and the upper half is below it.

I’m glad you like it, because I have a confession to make. The Triple Fudge Pie is pie in name only. It’s actually fudge cake cubes in ‘stiff’ (dry-gelled) pudding with large pure dark chocolate shards and chocolate and regular Redi-Whip and three kinds of chocolate sprinkles. There was never a pie crust. Smile