Re: Blazing Blue Universe

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Blue Blazer

Alias: Blackhawk
Real Name: Jefferson Samet
Genre: Superhero
Powers/Special Skills: expert hand-to-hand combatant
Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: suit grants air gliding capabilities, night vision, and bulletproof armor
Affiliations: The Birds of Prey
Other Aliases: Bluejay
Status: active
For a time, the hero the Raven was forced into temporary retirement because of a debilitating virus. During his absence from the fray, one of his closest friends, Bluejay, briefly took up the mantle of Blackhawk, in the blackbird tradition. Blackhawk faithfully kept the Raven’s legend alive and even gained his own following, which he held on to even after the Raven had resumed his position. Seeing that he was inspiring people, Blackhawk moved to Intrepid City and has now become its most sought-after hero.

