Re: My new Creations

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First, I would like to say again, as I’ve mentioned several times, I’m a musician, not a graphic artist. With the exception of a somewhat decent eye for photography, I am not very visually artistic. That being said, I would like to dedicate all of my creations on Hero Machine to a close high school friend, Mylen Williams. Mylen was a very talented artist who wanted to draw for Marvel, and he was that good that I’m sure he would have reached that goal. Sadly, he was killed in a car accident and did not live to see 20. He would have LOVED Hero Machine! I’m sorry I lost the artwork he gave me all those years ago. Anyway, here is my second attempt at Dark Cherub with HM3. I left off the weapon because I could not get the masking to work, though it fell right into place with the Amazon I did earlier. I have sort of a connection to this character because I first came up with the concept as a custom fighter in Soul Calibur 4. I love gaming with a preference for fighters and shooters. Anyway, the story of Dark Cherub is that she is a twin mutant. Cherub, her sister, favors good and her look reflects that, having white wings. Dark Cherub embraced the dark side of her powers and as she matured, her appearance changed to match her evil heart. This of course put her at constant odds with her sister. Dark Cherub grew to regret her choice and wishes to reconcile with her sister. In time, maybe… Hi,Harlequin. I love your artwork! DARK-CHERUB2.png