Re: MisterDinoMan’s Creations

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Real Name: Kara Kendrick
Known Aliases: 2D-Girl, Stretchy
Abilities/Skills: shape shifting, communications expert
At an early age Kara was discovered as a potential Olympic gymnast. She trained hard and by the age of fourteen she had reached the peak of her flexibility and agility. Sadly, it wasn’t enough. The other girls kept improving and Kara was surpassed. Her personal coach, afraid of losing his job if her charge was kicked out of the training program, secretively started giving her an untested performance enhancing drug that couldn’t be detected in the blood stream.
It seemed to work. Kara became stronger, more agile and more flexible. Easily keeping her competition at bay. But the drug started having side effects. At first, it were only minor annoyances. Something which professional athletes always have the deal with. But when she was under a lot of stress at a qualifying tournament for the 2012 Olympics, she started exhibiting strange shapeshifting abilities in the middle of her routine.
Naturally, she was disqualified and the drug use came to light. She was banned from the sport for four years. She would be well past her prime by then and so her dreams of going to the Olympics were dashed.
Instead, she kept using the drug that gave her her extraordinary abilities and in time she got a handle on them. After such a public demonstration of her powers, any hope on a secret identity would have been foolhardy. Realizing that, she stepped out into the spotlight and became the world’s first masked adventurer whose identity was publicly known.
She wasn’t contacted by Bishop to become part of his team. She was just present when the team arrived. In the aftermath, the press didn’t see the distinction and she was asked to join the Infinity League to avoid a media debacle.
While not as powerful as some of the other members of the League, the level of openness she brings to the group makes them a lot less feared by the public at large.