Re: Hammerknight’s Herald, welcome to my world.

Home Forums The HeroMachine Art Gallery Hammerknight’s Herald, welcome to my world. Re: Hammerknight’s Herald, welcome to my world.



I was looking at the sample for the Quick and Easy starships I did the other day and I was thinking that one of them would make a great chest armor. My boys were setting in the room with me(one 29, 30 next week, other is 26) and the younger one was looking to see what I was doing. I started a character just with the chest armor and was adding a little at a time when he started to make some suggestions here and there. This is what it turned out to be. I give you “Fox Ranger”.

I wish both of them would get into HM, but they are to busy alpha and beta testing games, so that shoots spending time with me. We kid napped for Christmas is the only way I pulled them off of the computer for more then five minutes.