Re: JR19759’s Redesign Contest

Home Forums Art Contests & Challenges JR19759’s Redesign Contest Re: JR19759’s Redesign Contest



Ok people, contest closed.

I’m glad I had this one open for 2 weeks, there were some very good entries in both weeks. Before we get to the over all winners, lets have a look at those runners up, who will be the Legendary Solarians in issue 3.

Red: Stax (headlessgeneral)- There were more entries for this colour than any of the others, but this one was one of two that made me think ‘that’s actually better than my own design’, so many kudos to you for that one.

Orange: ? (Luc)- I’m calling this guy Orguilo (latin for Pride) as you didn’t name any of yours. I liked the look of this one very much, the idea of using the space man helmet gave him a look of anonymity that gave the impression when combined with his pose that he is too good for everyone else to even look at. It also helped that he’s tying himself to the Earth’s most iconic ever moment.

Yellow: K’Link D’Lack (Livewyre1014)- Out of all of the runners up, this entry encapsulated what I had in mind when I put this contest up. Simple costume, the expression which shows perfectly which emotion he represents, the glow effect (did you merge the fingers underneath? Cause that’s extra neat if you did.) He came very close to being a winner here.

Green: Kringlack (NHA247)- Energy Effect. That’s all that needs to be said for this one. And I like the fact you looked at the example design and said “Lets make the black the main colour of the costume, just so the green s more eye catching’ (Or at least that’s what you said in my head).

Blue: Kraa (Trekkie)- There are many things that are neat about this one. The alien-ness of the character, he seems to be all stretched out and I can’t see a mouth anywhere. I also love the simplicity of the costume, and the shading on it is excellent. I’m a big fan of simple but effective costumes, and this is a prime example.

Purple: ? (Luc)- Yep, no name given for this one, but I’ve called him Amhef, cause the file sot of read that way. Great story behind this one. Having the actual character peaking out of the suit is awesome. I also like the fact that the suit has the Solaria costume instead of the character.

Pink: Darouk (Vampyrist)- I liked the story behind both of Vampyrists ‘Masked’ entries, but I like this one more. It strikes me that he could go either way, he could be consumed by hatred of those he persecuted because of the love he has for those he doesn’t, so if I did investigate the stories of some of these legendary Solarians, I would definitely focus on this guy, he has a good story.

Black: ? (Luc)- If I’m not mistaken, this was the only entry for black. Nice look for this one, though I’m not sure how useful a skirt would be in combat.

Silver: Gerar- Kon (Vampyrist)- You do seem to like giving backstories involving religion don’t you. This one was alway getting into the ten, just for his face. Alien but there’s still that humanity that makes the backstory believable.

White: Wraith (NHA247)- This was tough one to decide, I liked Luc’s version, but it was slightly too close to my original design for the white Solarian (pretty much the only difference was mine was male), so I have to give this one to Wraith. He looks awesomely spooky, and the glowing eyes just add another layer of awesome altogether.

So well done to everyone there. But there can only be one winner. Except for my indecisiveness, which means there two winners.
And they are:

Blue BlazerVovu Vevu & NHA247RAM

Blue Blazers was the design I was comparing everyones to, as his was the first entry. Two things that attracted me to this character from the start where the alien-ness of the design (the head especially) and the backstory that BB gave, definately helps to think up the motivation and personality of the character.

All of NHA247’s entries ended up being finalists, but this was my favourite. As with Kringlack, the effects are amazing. The pose is really emotive, you can just see the rage. But what really sold this one to me, is the backstory (as with Blue Blazer), I know where to go with this character already.

Thank you for all your entries and special thanks to the two winners.

I won’t be running a redesign contest competition this week, but I will have something up on this thread later.