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Lady Amaranth
Ordine, the Dungeon Keeper of Order

Ordine, the Dungeon Keeper of Order

Pure One, the ethereal knights of Ordine

Pure One, the ethereal knights of Ordine


I used to be part of a roleplay forum and the best story I was ever part of was one called Dungeon Keepers. The concept was taken after the video game of the same name. Basically everyone played an evil Keeper. Each Keeper had a theme and the ability to create a domain and minions. After you established your base and a few loyal grunts, the world became the playground for your evil desires. Ravaging human towns, building bigger & better armies/domains, seeking powerful artifacts, and vying for power against the other Keepers were the bread and butter of this RP. It was also the only one that I’ve been in where the story was played out to completion.

Ordine was my Keeper for the second iteration of this story. She was the Keeper of Order, being loosely inspired by the Elder Scroll’s Jyggalag. Her form and servants were ethereal beings that found biological forms to be inferior to energy ones.  All of her minions were white or gold orbs of light bound to silver armor/machinery with red insignias.  For Ordine, the ultimate goal was to force the world into a deterministic utopia where individualism, emotions, and chaos were concepts of the past. She titled her armies the “Pure Ones” for she saw them as unchained from their biological flaws. Their brand can be seen in the bottom image.