Reply To: A few Old Ideas, a Few New Ideas

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Michael Chiarcos

Thank you.  That one was weird.  Because I basically repurposed those ribs to be eyestalks and they weren’t in the orientation I wanted, I had to rotate and flip them a lot.  When I saved the image and then attempted to reload it, for some reason it kept centering on one of the eyestalks and moving the whole image up and to the right so that all that was visible was his right foot.  I tried everything to recenter the image, move him down and to the left but he kept reappearing in that position.  I finally moved him piece by piece down to where I could view him and exported it as fast as I could.  I’m not really sure how a scaling background works.  I know I wanted him to be shorter than normal but beefy so I scrunched him down using the transform page.  As I said, I’ve only just gotten back into working with this program and all the new features had me overwhelmed.