Re: Once in a lifetime – Harlequin gift for a lucky one.

Home Forums Art Contests & Challenges Once in a lifetime – Harlequin gift for a lucky one. Re: Once in a lifetime – Harlequin gift for a lucky one.



Really really sorry for the late reply, but i today feel myself well to finish the picture.

So ladies and gentlemans.

I personally thanks for JR19579, Weylin, Atomic Punk, Suleman, and Trekkie to enter this little fun. Not a lot of entry, but you made my work very hard. Very hard to choose wich picture is what i more like, every picture is interesting and cool background stories.

But need to choose one.

So my choosen is….

The Atomic Punk – Erzsé and Rebecka

I don’t know wich more grab my attention. The cool background story, or the thematics of the original picture. (Maybe the female slave is near my sick brain :D ) So without joke i like the original picture and i think this prefer to made my remade.


p.s.: The other contestant also wait for me the clown find a lot of good picture to remade :D