Re: Herr D’s CFLs

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Herr D


The three knights journeyed past the talking, moving section of forest, past the moaning, swaying section of forest, and past most of the stoic, still section of forest. Suddenly they heard a ‘thunk.’
There were no thunking beasts in the country at that time, and so they searched for the source of said ‘thunk’ for half an hour. Just as they agreed to give up, they heard what sounded like a loud irritated sigh, a clanking sound, a lot of rustling, and another ‘thunk.’
Now a lot of creatures sigh and rustle, but none were known among the three knights to clank or thunk–so they began searching yet again. They searched for an hour. Just as they agreed to give up, they heard what sounded like a loud irritated sigh, a clanking sound, a lot of rustling, and another ‘thunk.’
Truly this was a strange occurrence. They began searching again, to hear a peculiar, tinny voice shrill out “WRONG WAY!” It sounded like it had been screamed through a shield. They turned about to search in the other direction, and quickly found a strange shield.
Being knights of an illustrious order, they did not touch the shield, but made note of scratches in the dirt and other signs which led to a bridge over a stream. At the end of the bridge, wreathed in a mist rising from the stream and smoke from a nearby campfire and partially concealed by a curtain hanging from an archway, was the shadowy figure of a man.
“Halloo!” cried the shadowy figure, “Pay ALL your attention to the man behind the curtain! I am the champion of your quest, the captain of your fate, and the master of your destiny!”