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Blue Blazer

Designation: Frizor

Genre: Warrior Robot

Powers/Special Skills: freezing ray

Special Weapons/Tools/Armor: fully functioning robot

Affiliations: Hero Corps

Other Aliases: Ice Prince

Status: N/A


When nearly all of the superhuman population of Earth was wiped out thanks to a virus synthesized and spread by the White Scare during his takeover of America, the Hero Corps were no exception. But scientists on the planet Valerin, in appreciation of Earth’s heroes for saving their world on more than one occasion, created artificial intelligence versions of each of the team’s six original members in what would be the 100th year of Hero Corps. With this added bit of force, the resistance was eventually able to topple the cruel dictatorial efforts of the White Scare and restore some sort of true order to the United States.

Frizor was built to replace Ice Prince, a superhero who had the ability to hurl frozen streams of ice at his foes.
