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One of the fundamental, and quite confusing, facts regarding spirits is that the appearances of their  projections into the Physical Plane vary greatly depending on the situation. The sensory input of a certain individual beholding a spirit may not, and easily will not, be the same as that of another individual. The image our mind paints of the projection derives from our memories, preconceptions, attitudes and mental associations to the spirit’s element. The matter is further complicated by the humour or state of mind of both the observer and the spirit in question. For instance: a content dwarf observing a water spirit might see it as a pale, warm, earthy smelling creature, with the physical traits of a friendly-looking subterranean fish. In contrast, a starving fisherman might perceive the very same spirit as a school of fat, pink tuna with an alluring smell and voice, while an aquaphobic person might see it as a foreboding, dark mass of tentacles or a viscous, red shark.
Thankfully most varieties of Astral beings retain certain key characteristics when the project themselves unto our plane, and a competent shaman needs to know what those are, and what to look for, in order to determine exactly what sort of spirits they’re dealing with.

Excerpt from professor Josette Lefeurge’s lecture on the nature of Astral Beings, Academia Metaphysicae, Dresden, Septimus 19 1895.


The Sylphe are spirits of air. They mostly appear as brightly burning winged creatures with no facial features. The observer often feels an imagined tension against the skin, eyes and eardrums, as if the spirit’s presence hightens the air pressure. They are unpredictable, and should only be summoned with great care.




Spirits of nature and life, the Buer often project as sprawling masses of pulsating tentacles or capillary systems, but sometimes also as great canopies of branches or swarms of flies. Despite their appearances they are considered quite benevolent.


The projections of the Undine, spirits of water, commonly bring to mind images of aquatic creatures. While rarely hostile they tend to be cryptic, hard to please and occasionally destructive creatures.