For some reason I've been thinking lately about some of the stupid stuff I did when I was much younger. So my question for you on this Sharing Day is:
If you could go back in time and give the Young Nerd You one piece of advice, what would it be?
You can go all Time Traveller if you want and say "Bet on the Saints to win the Super Bowl next year!", or you can dig a little deeper. As for me, I'd probably say something like "Don't be ashamed of who you are. You're a geek -- force your way into that D&D game and revel in it!"
If you like, in return for answering my question to you, you may ask a question of me on any topic and I'll do my best to answer honestly and completely. Just leave your reply (and question, if any) as a comment. The goal is to learn a little more about our community!