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Arcade Invader

Name: Specialist Piper Cavalero

Callsign: Anvil 4

Role: Vehicle Operator

Armor: SOCOM recon frame. A substantial amount of plating has been removed to increase comfort while seated in a tight cabin or cockpit. Standard underlayer has been replaced with an environmentally-sealed bodysuit. Helmet incorporates the augmented reality system used by pilots and tankers.

Weapons: integrally suppressed PD14S sidearm, SAR9 supressed PDW, bayonet knife

Equipment: Wears an oxygen supply in place of a backpack which protects her in case of cabin depressurization and allows her to perform short EVAs.

Personality/notes: Friendly and outgoing. Trained to drive, pilot, or repair a wide range of friendly and enemy vehicles. Military service awakened an interest in vehicles, and she now spends much of her off-duty time working in a machine shop or talking tech with fellow enthusiast Dietrich.

Parts: 89/99