Djuby is gonna kill me but the submissions for the Five Hundredth Edition of the CDS were so good, I couldn't pick just one. I am overjoyed at being reminded once again of the amazing talent and creativity you all have and which you share with everyone. Putting yourself out there is hard to do and I deeply appreciate every single person who took the time to submit their characters.
I picked out my absolute favorites and am adding them all to the Hall of Fame because they are all outstanding. I'll leave it to Djuby to pick one of these to do his own take on as the official prize, but I couldn't leave any of them out in good conscience.
Thank you again to all of you, not just the folks below, and not just everyone who entered this week, but to everyone who's been a part of this amazing community for so many years. It's hard to believe that more than twenty years have passed since the idea for HM first came to me. I never imagined I'd meet so many fantastic, gifted, passionate creators along the way. I'm truly humbled.
And special thanks of course to Djuby and to ALL the moderators here who have kept this place chugging along as I've uprooted my life time after time over the last seven or eight years. I've landed in Utah and am happy being a full time developer, but I'll always have a warm spot in my heart for HeroMachiners, and it's due to the mods that it is still going even in the face of the unstoppable Juggernaut that is Adobe shutting down Flash.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and that most of all, you keep finding ways to express your amazing creativity!
- Pompeii by David Bruce
- Dissonance by DiCicatriz
- “On Board” by Lizzy Vern
- Ultred Sharpsight by MauriĢcio Brito
- Druid Girl by Meniukas
- Exemplar by PetFly66
- Night Watch by PetFly66
- Barrage by Scott Weyers
- Widowmaker by Scott Weyers
- Kamatayan by Scott Weyers
- Medeia Astropath Transcendant by Suleman
- Teenage Meltdown by DiCicatriz
- thundersong dragon throne of the East by Omonohoshi
- Uke Mochi by Omonohoshi