The reason I started HeroMachine so many years ago was because I knew most people were bursting with creativity, but they just lacked the physical skill of actually drawing what their imaginations were inventing. A quick browse through the forums shows I was right -- you all do amazing work and I am continuously staggered by your work.
I recently found a guy online who brings that same philosophy to cosplaying. Nikko Industries provides downloadable files you can 3D-print to make creating awesome cosplays much faster and more accessible to those who -- like me! -- have vivid imaginations but lack the physical crafting skills to bring what I imagine to life.
I had a lot of fun taking a crack at trying to replicate one of his 3D items in HeroMachine 3:
I think I got pretty close!
If you've ever wanted to get into cosplay but were intimidated by all the crafting involved, and you have a 3D printer, check out his stuff! He's a really cool guy and his files are fantastic.