Kaldath’s Corner: Review Of “Syncopation” by Babymetal

Well here I am with another Kaldath's Corner about my second favorite band in the world "Babymetal". I have to say these girls and their backing band ( The Kami band ) have been on a roll over the last year, opening up shows for the likes Metallica, Guns n' Roses, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, and Korn as well as selling out a solo concert at the Palladium in Los Angeles California!

Today I am going to be reviewing their newest song ( brand new to me ) Syncopation which they premiered at the end of 2016 at the conclusion of their world tour in Tokyo Japan in the Tokyo Dome! SO let's get started ....


Let me start by saying that I absolutely love the opening to this song, the guitars  are just fabulous in my opinion, and I usually am not one to judge a song on its instrumentals! So long as they song decent I am content, I am more interest in the vocals, so much so that I actually hate listening to pure instrumental songs. That being said I going to have to say that I am not a huge fan of this song outside of the good solid instrumentals. Oh Suzuka's voice sounds wonderful as always especially considering she was only 19 years old at the time ( now 20 years old ) ... Let me pause her to say that Suzuka Nakamoto aka Su-Metal has an AMAZING singing voice ( Listen to a live version of Akatsuki or No Rain, No Rainbow if you don't believe me! ) ...

Anyway, I didn't like the  vocals not because of a bad performance  but because I just didn't like the vocal arrangement, it didn't feel like it was in sync with the instruments, which is really something funny to say about a group that combines Heavy Metal instrumentals with Idol/Pop Vocals but usually they make it work better in my honest opinion. Not that it was a horrible song, but it certainly isn't one of my favorites, it isn't my least favorite ( which I have to say goes to either Iine, or Tales of the Destinies ) but it doesn't even rank in my top 20 Babymetal songs.

On a scale of 1 to 10 I rate Syncopation as a 3.5 stars

About Kaldath

EMAIL ADDRESS: Kaldath@HeroMachine.com ---------- TWITTER HANDLE: @Kaldath ---------- YOU CAN FIND ME ON GOOGLE+: https://plus.google.com/+HarryCreter/about ---------- FIND ME ON DEVIANTART: http://kaldath.deviantart.com/ ----------