Well Jr's Hero Of The Year Post today reminded me that it is also time for our annual HeroMachine Hall Of Fame nominations! So here is what I want you to do. In the comments below I would like you to nominate a pieces of Heromachine, and HEROMACHINE ONLY artwork from any creator anywhere on the internet so long as 1) The individual has not been banned from this site, 2) The Heromachine artist knows about the nomination and does not object to his/her artwork being used here. & 3) as noted above the artwork is created 100% inside heromachine with no editing other then basic cropping.
I would prefer you nominate other peoples artwork but you are not forbidden from nominating yourself if you are so inclined. Also there are no limitation on the number of nomination you can make but I do ask you try and keep them to a minimum so I don't need to create a 100 entry poll!