So, in case anyone didn't know, Linea's back in action after a few months absence and it seems to have done her some good. The picture I'm featuring this week is a remake of a picture from a few years ago and if you compare the two on her thread you can see the improvement. But taking it as it's own picture, rather than a remake, there is still a lot to commend. The costume (love the colours, the purple is very delicate and it really sets off the vibrant blue), the item usage (see the cape used as a dress so it matches the pose), the expression and the wings (very subtle, almost fading away into the background, which really fits the fairy idea, especially with insectoid wings which are usually semi transparent).
Gallery: Linea's Astra Universe
Also Awesome This Week:
AMS- PMD for PMD-Warrior
Gallery- Planet AMS
Anarchangel- Ember
Gallery- Anarchangel's Archive
DRLashambe- Goldwing (+Turnaround) & Gargoyle
Gallery: DRLashambe's Gallery
Emmet Brown- Shock Beast
Gallery- Great Scott! This Is Emmet Brown's Work
Hawk007- Xephrin
Gallery- Hawk's Nest
JR19759- Sempi Turner
Gallery- JR's Characters
Kaldath- Ronin
Gallery- Kaldath's Creations