Lets celebrate the quarter-century of the Geek Quiz with something that should be a piece of cake. In line with this weeks CDC, down below you are going to find 20 superheroes/ super villains secret identities. What I want you to do is say which superheroes they belong to. In the case of characters that have had more than one name as a superhero then I want the first identity they took, with the exception of sidekicks who eventually graduated to full superhero status, in which case we want the name they took after becoming a fully fledged hero (e.g. Hank Pym would be Ant-Man rather than Giant-Man or Yellowjacket, whilst Dick Greyson would be Nightwing rather than Robin).
So if that's all clear then lets go. 1 point per correct answer and as per usual No putting answers in the comments.
1. Timothy Drake
2. Mac Gargan
3. Jefferson Pierce
4. Al Simmons
5. Hank Henshaw
6. Robert Parr
7. Noh-Varr
8. Rahne Sinclair
9. Bart Allen
10. Jon Osterman
11. Garth Ranzz
12. James Howlett
13. Eobard Thawne
14. Taneleer Tivan
15. Michael Jon Carter
16. Barbara "Bobbi" Morse
17. Stephanie Brown
18. Cain Marko
19. Stephan Strange
20. Dave Lizewski
Answers below the jump
1. Red Robin
2. Scorpion
3. Black Lightning
4. Spawn
5. Cyborg Superman
6. Mr. Incredible
7. Marvel Boy
8. Wolfsbane
9. Impulse
10. Doctor Manhatten
11. Lightning Boy
12. Wolverine
13. Professor Zoom
14. The Collector
15. Booster Gold
16. Mockingbird
17. Spoiler
18. Juggernaut
19. Doctor Strange
20. Kick-Ass