STOP PRESS!!! We have a COTW that doesn't feature either Jeimuzu or Ubiquitous Pixel for once! Shock Horror!
Anyway, being sensible (which is unusual in of its self), the decision as to whom to feature this week came down to a choice between three different pictures from three classic creators. However, I'm not doing a three way COTW because I did eventually decide to go with DiCicatriz and his Worldbreaker. I'm not really sure why, but this one just stood out to me the most when I was trying to decide, so I went with it.
Gallery- Mi Propia Realidad
Also Awesome This Week
AMS- Quark (COTW Silver Medal)
Gallery: Planet AMS
Anarchangel- The Web
Gallery: Anarchangel's Archive
CantDraw- Electric Skate (Top) & Fem Evil (Bottom)
Gallery: CantDraw Gallery Of Awesome Art
Hawk007- Levi
Gallery: Hawk's Nest