Character Design Contest ♯116 (Easter Eggs) Winner

Well that was an eggs-tremely good contest, full of eggs-ellent entries (and eggs-cruciating puns) and the poll was particularly hard boiled, I mean fought. But I can't say the result was un-eggs-pected, considering our winner had the lead from pretty much the first day. In fact, one might even say that he found this poll… over easy (ba dum bum tish). So, coming out sunny side up this week is Nug for his Dragon Egg. Congratulations Nug and well done to everyone else who entered. As your prize I shall now stop making terrible egg puns (even though it is great fun).

116 Nug- dragon egg

About JR19759

Email: Twitter: @jr19759 Deviantart: JR19759 Deviantart HM Group: Heromachine-Art