Greetings once again fellow machiners, as you know Kaldath's Corner is here for me to share things with you that I have recently found and liked. This week is another music addition. I would like to share with you this time the Japanese Rock band "Scandal". Now Scandal is not a new band as I have seen 8+ albums for sale on itunes, however they are a new TO ME band!
I just learn of this band about 3 days ago and I must say that I think they are absolutely fantastic! I just love their sound. Now they have not yet taken Babymetals place as my favorite band though they are running a very close second at this time. A nice dream concert for me would be a Scandal / BabyMetal show here in the New Jersey / New York area!!
After the Jump Below I will link you to a few of their videos for your listening.Viewing enjoyment. The first two are my two current favorite songs of theirs and the third I am sharing because it fits in well with the theme of this site.
Scandal - Departure
Scandal - Doll
Scandal - Image