Forum Moderators:
JR & dblade; Jeff has restored your permission levels to moderator so now you once again have the ability to moderator posts in the forums. If you need help figuring out the new moderation tools drop me an email
HammerKnight & Djuby: You both have also been restored to moderator status. I know you have both stepped down due to real life issues that have made it so you could not devote the time you used to to the forum, but you both are very valuable members of the community and after talking with Jeff we decided to let you remain as Honorary / part time moderators. If either of you would like to have your moderatorship fulling revoked drop me an email and I will see to it, otherwise you are stuck with us!!!!
Moderators and Blog Authors: With the forums no longer allowing private messaging, at least until Ben finishes writing a new plug in for it, Jeff and I will need a list of all your email addresses so we can contact you at need. Please drop us both an email at and afdstudios
I am looking for one or two of our female community members to join our Staff here as Moderators and also possible Blog authors. If any of you ladies are interest in the position drop me an email and we will discuss it.