Monthly Archives: June 2014

Character Design Contest ♯76- 2 Great Tastes-Sci-Fi

Ok guys, this week I want you to create an awesome sci-fi character. But this time there's a twist, you have to mix another genre in with it. So for example, you could create a fantasy character in a sci-fi setting, such as a alien paladin or the like. Genres you can choose from include:

Fantasy, Western, Anime, Steam/ Cyber-Punk, Kung-Fu, Superhero, Horror & Everyday

As per usual, no limits on entries this week and the contest will close at midnight Saturday (blog time). The winner gets to claim a custom made item from dblade to be put into heromachine, so long as the item conforms to his prize rules, which you can find here: Please read the contest rules before entering, have fun and good luck.

Rules for posts, contests, and challenges that I am hosting: Original characters only, no copyrighted characters, no characters based on copyrighted characters, no characters based on RPG’s or other games. The characters must be your own design and not based on any character that might be copyrighted in any way. I have the right to delete any post that I believe crosses this line without warnings. Only post characters that you have either created for this contest specifically or you know for certain have never been entered to a contest before. If you aren’t certain, don’t enter it, because I’m not going to go back through all of the contests and check.

Pop Quiz Winner

These are the amazing entries for this surprise Pop Quiz.

Toni Stark super_american_by_roguejak-d7kmcgf Nobody-ProfessorFenton hm3-beta_zps83efff06 HerrD-PinkPineappleAndCoconut_zps43bf6116 Cliff_DrVoodoo_zpsf1a36ef4 Captain_Z-Ro

And the winner is...


Dr.VooDoo by Cliff. Congratulations Cliff, and thanks to all who took the time to enter.




Happy Birthday Jeff

According to my sources, it's a certain someone's birthday today, so I thought I might as well say Happy Birthday (because I forgot to send a card 😉 ).

So Happy Birthday Mr Hebert, hope you have a great one. Continue reading

Character Design Contest ♯75 Poll

[polldaddy poll="8091453"]

Character Design Contest ♯74 (Random Name) Winner

The winner of this weeks poll was Melmo44 for Dark Titan. Congrats Melmo, please speak to dblade about your prize, and well done to everyone who entered, especially the other 4 finalists.

74 Melmo44-Dark-Titan