Monthly Archives: March 2014

Friend of HeroMachine author Ian Thomas Healy still needs to hear from you winners so he can get your prizes to you! He says:

Related to the Jackrabbit contest from last month: Okay, the contest is closed and the trailer is finished! You can see the final product at I used pictures from Keric, Melmo44, Mr. Nobody, and RobM, but since I had so few entries, I’ll send ebooks to HerrD and Calvary_Red as well. Send me an email with your format of choice (Kindle, EPUB, or PDF) so I can send you the ebook. ian AT ianthealy DOT com.

Mr. Nobody’s picture made me laugh out loud when I saw it. Great job! You win the signed ARC. When you email me, include your mailing address. Thanks for playing, everyone!"

HM3: Look Up and Down (Reward for CDC♯61: Aliens)


Whiz Bang churns out another art asset. Whether you are a stargazer or footlooker we have something for you to enjoy. Head Tilted Up and Head Tilted Down.

This was a prize request by RobM for his high showing in the Character Design Contest #61 (Aliens).

The two Heads can be found in Heads/MaleStandard.

Here is a sample with eyes and mouth added...




HM2 Changes (ads)

Hi folks, if you visit HeroMachine 2 today, you might notice that I've reverted to the old version with the controls on the right and the ad integrated into the app. The ads, however, are now being served by as a test, since they don't mind this layout and they're not Google AdSense. I'll leave it like this for a week or so as a test, and will make some decisions based on the results at that time.

Character Design Contest ♯67- Animal Themed Characters

The Ronseal of challenges this one, it does exactly what it says on the tin (sorry if y'all don't get that reference, I think it might just be a British thing, but the opportunity was there and I couldn't not say it). So yeah, what I want you guys to do this week is create a hero or villain with an animal theme. I'm not looking for human-animal hybrid characters like Tigra or Man-Bat, but human characters with animal themed powers and/ or costumes, like Batman, Spider-Man and Black Manta. This one should be fun.

As per usual, no limits on entries this week and the contest will close at midnight Saturday (blog time). The winner gets to claim a custom made item from dblade to be put into heromachine, so long as the item conforms to his prize rules, which you can find here: Please read the contest rules before entering, have fun and good luck.

Rules for posts, contests, and challenges that I am hosting: Original characters only, no copyrighted characters, no characters based on copyrighted characters, no characters based on RPG’s or other games. The characters must be your own design and not based on any character that might be copyrighted in any way. I have the right to delete any post that I believe crosses this line without warnings. Only post characters that you have either created for this contest specifically or you know for certain have never been entered to a contest before. If you aren’t certain, don’t enter it, because I’m not going to go back through all of the contests and check.


Character Design Contest ♯66 (Fashion Show 2) Poll

[polldaddy poll="7925231"]

Character Design Contest ♯65 (Free For All) Winner

I  can't believe how many votes we got for this weeks poll. The previous record for number of votes in a CDC poll was around 150. This week we got per 200 votes. And it was close, 6 votes between the winner and second place. But of course there has to be a winner. And that winner is DiCicatriz for Yrys. Congrats DiCicatriz, please make sure you talk to dblade about your prize, and well done to everyone who entered, there where some excellent entries.

65 DiCicatriz_Yrys

Anime Talk: Sword Art Online




On this addition of Anime Talk I want to discuss the anime series "Sword Art Online".  For those who do not know, Sword Art Online, or SAO for short is an anime about people being trapped inside a Virtual reality MMO computer game. Now before I go any further with this discussion I want to address the one thing I always see or hear come up when this series is discussed, which is .hack. Now I honestly do not know if SAO is a "ripoff" of .hack, or if .hack is a ripoff of SAO and honestly I don't care. The premises of both series may be similar but the difference between the two are so large that I personally do not think either could be considered a true ripoff.

Continue reading


After one work week, the new ad layout has proven to be a disaster, financially. That means two things in all likelihood:

  1. I'm going to have to go back to the old layout with the ad integrated, hoping that Google really only objected to the drop down menu covering the top ad and not the one in the app;
  2. The implementation of some sort of paid model.

I very much want to hear your thoughts on both of these but I imagine it's the second that's going to cause the most angst.

I should say at the outset that this is not set in stone. As always, your opinion matters very much to me. I'm just spitballing here; just like when I created HeroMachine, I'm trying to involve the community in coming up with solutions.

First, why am I considering this? The answer is simply that Google's new layout has cost me 75% of ad revenue. I can't live on that. And if I can't live on that it means I can't continue to host HeroMachine any more either. So something has to be done.

Second, I'm thinking that initially at least, all HM versions will continue to be free just as they are now, but that I'll add a "Premium Members" area to the site in exchange for some subscription fee. What would you get for that fee? Two things, mainly -- no ads at all on the page, and the ability to make the app window as big as your browser will allow. If you have a monitor that's 2400 pixels wide, you get HeroMachine 2400 pixels wide. You could do HUGE screen shots, see all the controls and items in crisp, crystal clear detail, and have an enormous palette to work with. All with no ads.

Does that seem like something worthwhile? More to the point, is it something you could see yourself paying for? And if so, what would be reasonable? My gut instinct is a dollar per month. That's $12 for a year, which doesn't seem like much since I used to charge $20 for a CD.

Alternatively, I could do what I used to in the CD days, and make it so the free version had only the "Standard" set of items. Anything else you tried to load would give you a "This set of items is available only for Premium members" sort of message. Is that better or worse?

Look, we'd all like to be able to continue in the current mode of it all being totally free for you to use. But that depends on Google ads which, as we've seen, isn't necessarily sustainable. It might be that there's no longer enough support out there to keep the site going on a paid model either, but I won't know until I try.

Again, this isn't set in stone by any means. I encourage and welcome your feedback, though as always I do ask that we be respectful towards each other.

Kaldath's Caption Contest #24

Once again it is time for a new caption contest! This week I want you to come up with your best replacement dialog for the following image:


The usual rules apply, You are limited to Three (3) entries which are due by 12 noon Eastern Time on Tuesday April 1st.  Of course I as always expect you to keep your entries no worse then PG-13 in nature and that you follow all the normal rules of the forum when writing your caption for the above image. That being said I wish you all Good luck!

Caption Contest Delay!

I to being extremely ill last night and still not feeling all that well today I will be delaying the new Caption contest for this week until tomorrow.