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Monthly Archives: February 2014
Character Design Contest ♯61 (OS: Aliens) Poll
[polldaddy poll="7822450"]
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Posted in Challenge Favorites
Character Design Contest ♯60 (OS: Elementals)- Winner
The winner of this weeks poll was NHA247 for his piece Rise Of The Goliath. Well done NHA, please make sure you speak to dblade about your prize, and congrats to everyone who entered.
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Posted in Challenge Favorites
Jedi Knight vs. Iron Man
We were just at Wal Mart this morning and I found a 12" Iron Man figure on sale. So I had to get it. I was thinking he would look cool next to the 12" Star Wars figures that I already have. Then I started thinking that it would be cool if Iron Man was to fight a Jedi Knight. I know two good guys right, but we all know that Iron Man has got into it with good guys before. Let me know what you think. I think my money would be on the Jedi Knight, but that is just my two cents worth. My wife said it would depend on which Jedi it was, because Yoda would kick his butt and crash him like an empty coke can.
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Posted in Versus
Favorite Comic Book Movie
What is your favorite movie based on a comic book and why? Live action or animated. Let's hear what you have to say. No fighting or putting someone down for their choice, just share with us what you think.
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Posted in Sharing Day
No Kaldath Character Challenge This week
The last few weeks have seen a decline in the participation of my Character redesign challenge so I figure I would give it a break for a week or two. Perhaps people are too busy working on FNF entries ? ( I hope so as that isn't looking all the good at the moment either ) .. Regardless the challenge will be back next week, or the week after, until then happy Machining!
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Posted in Uncategorized
Carlako, half-elf fighter
The description from the original Reddit request was:
One of the first characters for another of my sons.
Carlako is a female half-elf with blue eyes and red hair, garbed in elven chainmail armor. She wields a pair of longswords in battle, the first one burning with blue flames, the second one traced with blue lightning.
And here's what I came up with:
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Posted in Sketch of the Day
Kaldath's Character Challenge #10 – Results
Last week I asked you to redesign my character Charthea:
We only had a few entries, but despite the low turn out I was impressed with the those entries no the less! 4 pieces of art to choose from, and only a single spot for a winner, Who will it be ? .........................
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Posted in Character Design Challenges
Blank Bodies for Hand-Drawn Illustrations
In the process of cleaning up some hard drive space, I came across some body outlines I drew back in 2006. I cleaned them up a bit and provide them here for downloading and printing. These are not part of HeroMachine 3, they're just for folks who want to hand-draw (or use the computer with something like Paint if you want) outfits but need a body to hang them on.
These are all transparent PNGs so if you do want to use them in a painting application, they're easy to isolate from the background.
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Posted in Digital Illustration Lessons, Randomosity, Sketch of the Day, Tips & Tricks
A sewer-dwelling urban wizard/druid half-orc
As motivation to sketch more, I've been fulfilling requests from /r/characterdrawing. Here's the one I did today:
Ozmuk Was a runt of an orc. Picked on by his brothers and sneered at by his elders, he would grow to despise them all. His only refuge was the old man in the Cabin. The Old man taught Ozmuk the art, and the dirty deeds he sought for payment were not too steep a price. Perhaps he even could grow to care for this Old Man. Then the Druid came and changed things forever. The old man burned. In order to survive, the young Ozmuk clung to the only one he knew - the killer. Soon after he was set free to return to his Tribe. They rejected him, of course. His pain grew too strong and he soon killed his brothers and parents. Ozmuk trusts few beings other than his rat, Dido. he spends most his time in the sewers of the cities so he can sneak into libraries to further his arcane knowledge. Recently he has been kidnapped and made a slave on a pirate ship. He is plotting, and he has already murdered 4 of the crew in their sleep.
Villains are fun to draw!
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Posted in Sketch of the Day
Kaldath's Caption Contest #21 – Results
Last week on Kaldath's Caption Challenge #21 I asked you to give me your best replacement Dialogue for this image:
There was a lot of interest in this weeks contest and a lot of great entires, but I as always I need to pick out the 5 that for me stood out above the rest, and then name a winner so lets get to it!
My Top Five
Calvary_Red: “Don’t worry, Batsy, this is just the sedative.”
Frankie: “Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na! Splatman, Splatman.”
hawk007: I warned him! I told him to lose my number!
HammerKnight: “Next time leave a tip.”
KatmirStone: “Trust me, this beats electroshock therapy, Bat-hunk!”
And your winner is ....................................
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Posted in Caption Challenges