So, twelve months, forty-six contests, five finalists, but only one winner. And boy did you guys turn out to vote, nearly one hundred and fifty votes over all. But I'm sure you're all dying to know who won, so just to make you wait a bit longer, here's the top three.
3. Kytana- Born Free (CDC 37- Opposites)
2. With only one vote more……. OnionBeam- Witch of the Forest (CDC 45- Naturalism)
1. and the winner of this years Character of the Year is……………………….
toxicdiopside- The Last Phoenix (CDC 19- Great Balls of Fire)
Congrats toxic, a very deserving win, congratulations to all of the finalists and all of the winners of this years contests and thanks to everyone who entered a contest this year, there were some great creations that could have won contests and didn't.
Anyway, that's enough rambling from me. Happy holidays to everyone, don't eat too much tomorrow (unless you're celebrating today, in which case, don't eat too much today) and MERRY CHRISTMAS!