Five entries this week - well six actually but the Link led to an error page - so let's call it five. Space Pope was very cool, but I was unable to find the three items anywhere in it. If they are there, I apologize for my "thickness". Of the remaining four, although all very creative and quite funny, I can only pick one winner.
Although I don't particularly understand it...again...kinda thick...this week's winner is...wait for it...Herr D.
To claim your prize, simply link a pic of the character you would like me to re-imagine in the comment section of this post and I will post a link in your gallery when it is done.
Please join me in congratulating HerrD and all the other entries this week.
Join us again on Friday, October 25th at 9 pm eastern for a special 48 hour Pop Quiz Halloween extravaganza. Bring candy!