Movie News: WB CEO Kevin Tsujihara Mentions Multiple DC Movies Are In The Works

CBN ā€ŗ News ā€ŗ MovieĀ  News
Posted by: MattĀ  McGloin, Editor/Publisher September 16, 2013 13:55 | Updated: 3 hours 16Ā  min Ago


Previously, Warner Bros.Ā  CEOĀ Kevin Tsujihara let it be known at an investorsĀ  meeting that the new BenĀ  Affleck Batman would be a seasoned veteran, and now new details have becomeĀ  known about the direction of the DC movie universe.

Yahoo has a transcript of the investors meeting withĀ  KevinĀ Tsujihara being questioned by Bank of America Merrill Lynch's Jessica Reif. The transcript doesn't look to be all thatĀ  well transcribed, but there seems to be enough present to understand.

TsujiharaĀ lets it be known that multipleĀ  DC movies are being planned as he notes the basis of WB's 12-14 movies will haveĀ  the DC characters as the foundation.

Then you have 12 to 14 pictures coming from Warner Bros. And I think theĀ  basis, foundation of those 12 to 14 pictures are going to be coming from DCĀ  Entertainment. We have Batman versus Superman coming out inĀ  ā€™15, but those are going to be in the coming months a lot of announcementsĀ  regarding kind of the future movie, television, games and consumer product pieces that are going to be coming fromĀ  DC.

Tsujihara continues with mention of Ben Affleck and the Batman Vs. Superman movie. Note: IĀ  believe "Jake" is supposed to be director Zack [Snyder], and the "15" mentionedĀ  is the year 2015, otherwise it would be read as "the next 15 movies," but Tsujihara just statedĀ  above 12-14. At least that is my reading of it.

We couldnā€™t be happier about the movie that Jake and with Chris Nolanā€™s helpĀ  can be created. It was a total reboot of the Man of Steel or SupermanĀ  and it really gives credibility to that character and Henry did a great job. Itā€™s a perfect springboard to then moveĀ  into next 15, we think Jake is going to be directing Batman and Superman.Ā  Batman, in the movie we havenā€™t titled it yet and we are really excited aboutĀ  the fact that we were able to convince Ben to play Batman. It is a perfect forĀ  the role and itā€™s going to be a Batman that youā€™ve absolutely never seen before,Ā  heā€™s kind of tired and kind of weary,Ā  heā€™s been doing this for a while and Ben is the exact perfect for the vision that Jake has for that character andĀ  the fact that you saw such a passionate response and that is really kind of aĀ  testament to the love that people have for this character and itā€™s reallyĀ  exciting to see kind of where this is going and exact vision of how heā€™s goingĀ  to put that movie together. We think itā€™s going to be huge.

Interestingly enough, the source close to Warner Bros. that told us BryanĀ  Cranston is cast as Lex Luthor also told usĀ  aĀ  lot is leading up to the Justice League movie. Cosmic BookĀ  News is alsoĀ told that Bryan Cranston signed on for 6-10 moviesĀ  with Ben Affleck signing a multi-picture deal as well, possibly as high as 13. We are told WarnerĀ  Bros. wants to create a more connected world than what Marvel has done.

Tsujihara alsoĀ  states DC will be the focus of things related to video games and more.

And as you said itā€™s being driven ā€“ the newĀ  franchises that we are going to be zoning are going to be DC franchises.Ā  We think there is big opportunities toĀ  build off of what we are doing throughout the rest of the company in games asĀ  well.
And as I said, we are number one in ā€“ we are really well positionedĀ  for that transition on the home entertainment side and with the DC pushing, if you are in consumer products and games we think there is opportunitiesĀ  there as well. So we are able to get some margin expansion also through theĀ  digital initiatives and continuing to look for ways to be more efficient and weĀ  are very confident that we can grow this business goingĀ  forward.