Monthly Archives: June 2013

Pop Quiz Winner – June 29 – Cool and Refreshing?

Only 4 entries this week, but the creativity was overflowing! Congrats to all those who entered...great job as always. As for a winner this week, I have to give it to the entry that made me laugh out loud - RasHead's "Alexander the Grape Soda". Very clever idea and nicely rendered. Congrats sir!


Character Design Contest ♯29 Poll

[polldaddy poll="7216194"]

Character Design Contest ♯28 Winner

Congrats to Delirious Al for winning the last Character Design Contest. I thought it would be closer than it was, I must admit.

28 DeliriousAL_Styx

Character Of The Week

As promised, one of the new weekly blog posts. Now there idea here is not only to give  praise, but to look at good design features and highlight techniques that make the composition work. So without further ado, this week we'll look at Renxin's Kwan Yin.

29th June Renxin-KwanYin


This was entered into this weeks CDC, but I had to disallow it due to it contravening the 'no current religions' rule, however, it is certainly worth looking at more closely.

First off, let's look at the colour. Being a representation of a Buddhist god, the colours are very light and natural, none look out of place or overly dominant. Using only three colours is one of the best techniques for getting a good costume, you can often smoother a good design by using too many colours, no matter how well chosen they are. By using only the green, purple and white, it allows the foreground figure to stand out more against the background. The fading effect used on the colours of the lower dress (HINT: which is done by using the rectangle or circles on the last page of the Background-Shapes page and setting the first colour's alpha setting to 0% and then masking to the desired object) is a really simple but effective technique that can be used in lots of different ways (such as shadow effects or highlighting).

The lotus petals around the feet is a really neat way of using that insignia and by using a lighter outline colour compared to much of the rest of the piece, it differentiates these foreground objects from the main composition in a highly effective way.

The choice of items for making the clothes, whilst not highly innovative, is very effective. The skirts for sleeves is a good example of going to other categories to find what you need.

My favourite part of this piece however, has to be the face. I'm still not quite sure what item was used for the eyes (maybe the manga style nose? Do you think you could clarify for us Renxin, I'd love to know) but it works perfectly. The expression definitely says 'peace', which is the point of a depiction of buddhism. The choice of items for the hair and hairpiece were very well chosen and certainly add to the whole head area without drawing attention away from the face, much like the background 'halo'.

Overall, a wonderfully executed piece that looks very simple, with no masses of shading, because it isn't needed. Shame it wasn't eligible for the contest really.

Pop Quiz – June 29 – Cool and Refreshing?


Gotta give Atomic Punk credit for this idea. He came up with it ages ago and the time seemed right what with summer here and all.

Using the pop can found in Items Right: Miscellaneous, create your own soda can logo and flavour. Maybe it is a flavour that the world will love, or perhaps one that would only appear on Survivor or Fear Factor. Be sure to scale up the image so that we can see it clearly.


You only get one entry so be creative, and above all else, have fun!

All entries must be in JPG or PNG form (BMPs are too big), posted to a publicly accessible website (like the HeroMachine forums,ImageShackPhotoBucket, or whatever);

  • Entries must be made as a comment or comments to this post, containing a link directly to the image and the character name;
  • The image must be new and designed specifically for the Pop Quiz;
  • Please name your files as [your name]-[character name].[file extension] before you upload it. So DiCicatriz, for instance, would save his “Bayou Belle” character image as DiCicatriz-BayouBelle.png.
  • Please make the link go directly to the image (like this) and not to a hosting jump page (like this). See this post on how to get the direct link for most sites.

Contest closes at 9:00am eastern on Sunday, June 30.

Make It Sew – The Costume Blog – Game of Thrones


A huge part of Game of Thrones' success has undoubtedly been the sets — which jump between Northern Ireland, Malta, Croatia, Iceland, and Morocco — and the meticulously detailed costumes, rich with furs, leather, metal and just the right amount of sex appeal. Michele Clapton leads the design team, who won an Emmy for their work on Season Two and has only upped the ante for Season Three.

Clapton's work and the general popularity of Game of Thrones has been gradually seeping into the mainstream design world. Clapton used to style musicians for video, including Suede, Coldplay, Boy George, R.E.M., Garbage, George Michael, Annie Lennox, and the Spice Girls, among many others, before she switched gears to dressing those who sing A Song of Ice and Fire. She answered questions for SPIN, ranging from how she prepared for the job to how they make the imagined world so realistic.

What was the transition from your previous work to the fantasy of Game of Thrones like?
Before Game of Thrones I worked a lot with period costumes. I always tried to put a twist on the look, to reference living conditions etc., and not lift it directly from a visual reference of the time, as this is usually styled be the sitter or painter. Once you get to the age of photo documentation then you can truly believe the period.

How did you prepare for Game of Thrones?
Research everywhere! Looking at how different people lived in different climates and times, at the availability of colors and fabrics that would be available, and making techniques. I then make a series of boards representing the different areas of Westeros so as to be careful to define them. I now do this throughout the year, storing away images that might be useful.

Did you try to stay true to the books or collaborate with George R.R. Martin? In what ways do things need to change for television?
I agree that books allow the reader to create images in their head, and I do the same but have to share them! But actually it's more complicated than that. Sometimes there will be something that I think is really important to show in a character. For instance, Mance Rayder’s cloak with the patches of color which represent his reason for joining the Wildlings — this was discussed and on this occasion it didn't happen. We don't always agree, but then I'm only looking from the costume viewpoint. Another issue is [the] principal [actor's] hat-wearing north of the wall. Of course they should wear them but, as it is explained to me often, we would not see who was who. So we work as a team, as we should. I have spoken with George but only really on the pilot; he does not visit set very often. I'm sure it isn't what he had in his mind but then some of the descriptions of the costumes in the book would be hard to translate to screen and would really dominate characters. It would be a very different show.

Is there a certain emphasis on sexy that you need to keep in mind? In some cases the sex is even toned down — for example, the Quartheen gowns in the book that Daenerys wear expose one breast.
I had actually designed the dresses to reveal one breast and was surprised when they didn't want to go in that direction. But actually, we filmed that in Morocco and it would have been very difficult to find the number of women required to do it. Even to just film it would have been hard.

Sometimes the clothes seem to foreshadow certain things, is this intentional?
Yes. I love to try and indicate the emotional state of characters through their costumes, and also to indicate their influence over other characters and courts. Sometimes this says so much more than words.

How have the clothes changed in Season Three? What's stayed the same?
Poor Maisie [Williams, who plays Arya Stark] is still in the same costume! Along with the Hound, they are travelling so it makes no sense to change their clothes, and that in itself tells their story. Whilst in Kingslanding, Margery [Tyrell] is beginning to influence the dress of the younger girls in court, whilst the older girls continue to follow Cersei [Lannister], even though she has shifted her style to a previous Margery-like look. A cruel blow for her and this makes her hate Margery more!

Is production on all the clothes done in-house?
Armor and costume are 99 percent made in-house, and we have a wonderful range of artisans: leather workers, dyers, metal workers, cutters, printers, and embroiderers.

Are some of the clothes aged or worn in for a realistic look?
All costumes are aged — be it a little sweat or full on rags — and it is one of the most important aspects in the costume department. We have a team of approximately ten people including painters and textile artists whose job it is to age the costumes appropriately.

untitled S3-Richard-Madden-Photo-Helen-Sloan-HBO-2-e1364394632639 got-game-of-thrones-33433388-500-685 A-Game-of-Costume-Design-game-of-thrones-32970198-1200-588


The Big Question ♯7

This week, we're going to be tackling a question that I can't really answer. Why is Batman so popular?

If we look at this logically, it doesn't make sense very much. Ok, he is the second longest surviving superhero of all time and one of only two too survive the late-40's/ early-50's, but the other one is Superman and we all know that Batman always beats Superman, no matter how impossible that scenario is. He's had multiple movies, good and bad, but so have Superman, Spider-Man, X-Men etc., so that can't be it. Granted, his arch-nemisis is the best villain in comic book history, but his rogues gallery is not any more diverse and unusual than any other hero, he still has stupid villains like everyone else (stand up Ten-Eyed Man). He's dark and moody (unless you live in the sixties), but isn't every hero these days, he might have started the trend in the 30's but he lost it immediately when they introduced Robin and by the time he'd got it back Daredevil, Spider-Man, Wolverine had come along and carved up the Batman niche for themselves (dark and moody, angst, being a bad-ass respectively). So if it isn't any of them, what is it about him that make him so great?

Continue reading

Kaldath’s Caption Contest #5 Winner

Well it is once again time to select a caption contest winner! Last week I gave you the following image to work with:


After going through the entries I have selected the following five as the finalists.

“What’s the point in having superpowers when I can’t even rid the world of Justin Beiber?”

The Atomic Punk
The director cast Ryan Reynolds to play me in an upcoming movie.

Dang! Fired! And I really liked that TSA job.

Alexander of Limbo
…and then Power Girl said: “well at least i have a pair to flaunt!”

Prof. Abercrombie Q. Anthrax
It’s always Marcia! Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!

All very good candidates for the winning spot so now I must select out one, and that one is ........

Firecracker for the clever play on my Tuesday random panel post from last week.


Anime Talks: Red Photon Zillion



This week on Anime Talk I am going to be doing a mini review of the 1987 anime series "Red Photon Zillion", the anime that got me hooked! Zillion takes place on the year 2387 on the planet Maris ( which humanity had apparently colonized at some point) which is under attack by a alien race called the Nozas whom wish to destroy all human life and claim the planet for themselves. The Nozas as practically immune to all normal human weapon systems, and the last line of defense against this threat are three human teens, JJ, Champ, and Apple known collectively as the "White Knights".

The White Knights are able to stand against this alien threat because they have been entrusted white the Zillion weapons systems, three mysterious guns that had recently be discovered on the plant and that run on a extremely rare power source ( Zillion ). Anything that is shot by the Zillion guns is instantly disintegrated, things just seem to wink out of existence when hit.  Now on the surface the premise of this show may sound a but silly, three teens fighting an alien army on there own with three magic guns but if you can get past that little difficulty of suspension of  disbelief I found Zillion to be a fun show to watch.

The show has as much action as anyone could want, as well a a nice helping of humor due to the interactions between the three main characters. The show is clean with no gratuitous sexuality to worry about and while having its fair share of violence since it is about an alien invasion after all, it is not over the top is that regard. The animation work being from 1987  looks a little dated style wise compared to more modern anime but still looks fairly good at least in my opinion. In conclusion I would say that If you are looking for a light, non-complex, fun PG rated anime that you can watch with the family then I suggest you give Red Photon Zillion a try.

How to end up in a full body cast in …3….2…1