We had lots of great entries for Character Design Challenge 99! Thank you all for sharing your creativity with us.
Unfortunately, the following folks are disqualified for not naming their files properly: StrangerousRex, Maniacmick, Jawsabi, sivad96, Mr. Chowderhead, DarkWarrior076, Overseer, Fennec Bob, BloodlessRose, Josh, ka5zr, jeremythurlow, zdog101, and tackin. If I can't tell who created it from the file name once it's downloaded onto my computer, there's no way for me to give you credit.
Moving on, here are a few of the entries that were my personal favorites:
Kaldath and Tarkabarka/Harlequin routinely use winged creatures in their illustrations and you can see why -- all of their entries (not just the couple I picked out to highlight) are really wonderful. I liked JR19759's use of the wings under the figure's arms, I thought that was clever and effective. Djuby, as always, gave us a master class in color and design. Jessica's fire angel also used color in a great way.
I had to laugh at Hammerknight's and Mad Doctor's entries, they were really funny. And nice illustrations as well! NHA 247's use of the spikes as weapons was my favorite part of his piece. And Scatman's "Shadow Wing" had a very commanding presence.
All of these are great, though. So I'm going to wuss out and not pick an overall favorite. Instead, I'll leave it up to you to tell me in the comments which one you'd choose as your number 1 favorite and thus escape all responsibility!
Thanks again to everyone who entered, you all did a great job.