Many thanks to the brave folks who entered our last Pop Quiz, which challenged you to make something with Barbario's head. Wow, does that sound creepy all written out like that ...
Anyway, here are all of the great entries! Click any one to start the slideshow.
Those are all great, but the ones that made me chuckle or that I thought had a little something extra special were Myro's, Watson Bradshaw's, WebPulp's, Vampyrist's, NHA247, MMI, Legatus, Keric, Kaylin88100 (that one will haunt my nightmares), djuby, and ... well hell, that's practically the whole list. Everyone did a fantastic job!
As for the overall favorite, the honor this week will go to Barbario himself for being such a good sport. Speak up in the comments, my man, and that person will get to be profiled in the right hand column.