We had some fantastic entries for our one-day pop quiz yesterday. This was an odd one, as in retrospect I think the overly broad subject let lots of people re-use existing creations rather than doing something truly one-day like I aim for with these sorts of things. But with spectacular results like these, I can live with it!
Here are all of the entries I received, I hope you enjoy browsing through them as much as I did. Clicking on any one should start the slideshow.
As you can see, I had a tough choice. By no means are these all the entries that jumped out at me, but some of the highlights were by Atomic Punk, JohnnyGear, Logosgal (especially that sky!), Marquis Samedi, McKnight57 (I have got to fix the spray on that boat, it let down a really nice composition), Spellchecking Quill, MisterDinoMan, and Vampyrist. But they were all really good, not just the ones listed.
However, one stood out as simply breathtaking. On the one hand, I can't convince myself this was done in a day, which is the spirit of these Pop Quizzes. On the other hand, come on, look at this thing!
As Myro said, this looks more like a painting than anything done on HeroMachine. Just lovely.
Congratulations to Kytana and sincere thanks to everyone who entered, you truly did an outstanding job.