Many thanks to everyone who entered the Super Omega Deathbattle Warzone Apocalypse Contest! The deadline has now passed, so no more entries will be accepted. Both Woody and I were astounded by the quality and quantity of submissions; you all did me proud. Your creativity truly amazes me.
Woody asked me to pass along this statement:
Alright, guys, I just want to congratulate all of our participants for submitting some of the coolest character designs I’ve ever seen. You completely blew me away and did things with Hero Machine that I didn’t even know were possible! We had almost 400 submissions, and attempting to narrow it down to only 9 was one of the most painful things I’ve ever had to do. It’s important to remember that I had to not only look at how good each design was, but I had to choose the 9 designs that would work well together when put into the final promo piece. That meant that I had to leave out more than a few of my favorite submissions in favor of designs that better served the overall color scheme or better represented a specific category of character. The Honorable Mentions are all of my favorite designs that I was unable to include in the promo piece due to these technicalities, and I will attempt to show off as many of them as possible during our Kickstarter campaign.
Later today, Woody will start announcing the Honorable Mentions on the project's Facebook page, five per day, with the nine overall winners introduced there on Friday. So if you want to be the first to know the fate of the submissions, be sure to like the SODWA page on Facebook.
For those of you who do not have or do not want a Facebook account, I'll follow up each announcement with a post here at the end of the day.
Many thanks again to everyone who entered, and good luck!