Yearly Archives: 2011

Caption Contest 85 Prize

With my new rules about "Sketch of the Day" style prizes, Bael hasn't had a chance to approve of his prize for winning Caption Contest 85, so I hope he likes it. He requested a "Fairy in a butterfly collection" style sketch, and here's what I've come up with:

Open Critique Day #10

It's time once again for another Open Critique Day!

If you have a HeroMachine illustration or another piece of artwork you've done that you'd like some help with, post a link to it in comments along with your thoughts on it -- what you think is working, what you're struggling with, etc. I will post my critique of the piece, hopefully giving some tips on how to improve it.

Of course everyone is welcome to post their critiques as well, keeping in mind the following rules:

  • Make sure your criticism is constructive. Just saying "This sucks" is both rude and unhelpful without giving specific reasons why you think it sucks and, ideally, some advice on how to make it better.
  • Each person should only post one illustration for critique to make sure everyone who wants feedback has a chance.
  • I will not critique characters entered in any currently running contest, as that doesn't seem fair to the other entrants. You can still post it if you like for the other visitors to critique, but I will not do so.

That's it! Hopefully we can get some good interaction going here and help everyone (me included!) learn a little bit today.

(Quote from Elbert Hubbard.)

RP: Superman’s JLA Chairmanship got off to a rocky start

(Via Chris' Invincible Super Blog.)

FNF2 Consolation Prize 1

So, I owe AJW (the winner of the first Friday Night Fights 2 Consolation Prize) an apology. First, it's taken me a really long time to do his prize. Second, he hasn't gotten to approve it yet.

The reason is, of course, that I have a bad habit of making stuff up as I go along. In this case, I never really defined what a "Sketch of the Day" sort of prize -- which is what AJW chose -- would involve. In my mind I meant it as more of a "Draw Hulk smashing a tank" kind of a thing, and not a custom character sketch. Usually sketches of characters you make up are reserved as Grand Prizes. But I never said that, so he asked me to draw his own creation, specifically this guy:

But this left me in a bit of a pickle. How could I differentiate "custom character illustration" from "a Sketch of the Day" style drawing, so I retained some value to the Grand Prize?

What I finally decided to do was to compromise.

Usually with a full on character sketch type of prize I am in close contact with the winner, getting approval on at least one rough draft before doing more complete versions, then getting approval before calling it all "done". This lets the winner have a lot of control over exactly how the character looks, what they're doing, how they're dressed, background elements, etc.

Instead, I'm defining the SOD style drawing as "Jeff gets to draw it however he wants and you have to live with it." Which is why I owe AJW an apology, because I didn't tell him any of this ahead of time, on account of I just decided it about an hour ago.

So AJW, here's your prize, and since I didn't give you any warning, if you want to substitute an HM3 item instead, that's fine, just let me know. But, I hope you like it anyway!

Unplug, Jack Out, and Jet Off

We're no hedonists, sitting slack-jawed in front of artificial machines that cater to our every whim and show us whatever we want and ... um ... OK, in THIS STORY we're not hedonists! At least, according to the votes in our last installment of "Return to the Cavern of Time". So we respond to the far-future relative of Ralph Dibny that we ain't gonna take all that pleasure and joy laying down, by gum!

You tell Celeste 433 that you are not willing to give up your freedom for a life of pleasure. She nods and, to your surprise, smiles. "I understand," she says. "You are from a primitive culture, so you don't understand that constant pleasure is superior to freedom of choice. Very well. Since freedom is more important to you than pleasure, I shall tell you something that I would not have mentioned otherwise. Suprema Eighty-seven to the Fifth Power may soon be involved in a war between the grand overseers."

Wait, that's something she wasn't going to mention? That seems like a fairly important bit of trivia that might have helped us decide whether or not we wanted to stay in our Nintendo Coffin while the homeworld's getting blasted from outer space.

"Who are they?"

Celeste 433 dismisses your question with a wave of her long, bony hand. "Listen. I admire your courage and therefore will give you a chance to survive this war, which I fear will destroy our colony. I shall provide you with a spacecraft, but your troubles will not be over. Space is a vast and hostile wilderness. There are only two destinations you can reach where you'll have any hope of survival. One of them is Alpha Alpha, a colony beyond Pluto that is far more advanced than this one. In fact, it may be the most advanced in the galaxy. The other place where you might possibly survive is the planet Earth."

So let me get this straight. These people have occupied a whole galaxy, and both of the potential safe havens in that entire, almost unimaginably vast reach of space are in the Solar System? Why the hell did we ever leave in the first place?!

"Earth? That's my home planet -- I'd really like to get back there."

Celeste 433 shakes her head. "You don't understand. You have been time-displaced. Earth is no longer what it was. It is a scarred and ruined planet, a backward child of the galaxy, an archaeological scrap heap. I told you the truth. The decision is yours."

You long to see Earth again, even though it's changed for the worse.

You're curious about Alpha Alpha too, though what you've seen so far of advanced civilizations doesn't encourage you.

So that's our choice -- the barren wastelands of Earth, where we might get to see a sweaty-chested young Mel Gibson duking it out in the Thunderdome under a bad wig, or an ultra advanced space colony beyond Pluto. Hopefully they have good heating there, because while I'm not astronomer, I'm pretty sure it's freaking COLD out there.

[polldaddy poll="4494131"]

Uncle Ralph says "Don't Worry, Drink Up!"

RP: So THAT’S what hoboes carry in their sacks

(From "Super Mystery Comics" number 2.)

HM3: Mean eyes

I admit I'm not quite sure what the original requester (whoever that was) meant by "mean eyes", but here's my take on it, now available in Eyes-Standard (refresh your browser cache if you don't see it):

That's the last of the Top Ten placers on the original Replacement Prize vote, leaving just PapaKrok's "next item up" which is the spooky graveyard.

HM3: Don’t get mouthy. Oh, fine, go ahead.

I just uploaded the following new items to the Mouth-Standard set in HM3 (clear your browser cache if you don't see them):

I wanted to make sure I got a good "clenched teeth" one, so I put in three. As well as most of the suggestions in the last thread, so thank you for those.

HM3: Khopesh

I just added a Khopesh in three parts -- complete, just the blade, just the hilt -- to the HM3 ItemRight-BladesTwo set. Enjoy! If that's the right word for a weapon of death.

HM3: Lab coats and tied bust shirts

I've just updated Tops-MaleStandard (clear your browser cache if it doesn't show up) with the following items from the Replacement Prize list:

There was only a call for one Lab Coat, but I saw the diagonal one while getting reference and loved it too much not to throw it in.

After the jump I'll post the latest version of that list so you can see where we stand.

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