Yearly Archives: 2011

HM3: Body Armor

The first item off the second Replacement Prize list is now live in Tops-Male-Tech, modern body armor:

The first one is the complete set, the second is just the padding so you could put some kind of textured undershirt beneath it, and the third is just the vest. Enjoy!

HM3: Tardis Control

I've just uploaded Watson Bradshaw's prize for winning Caption Contest 104, a Tardis-style control panel now available in Background-Standard:

HM3: dblade's got legs, and he knows how to use them

With thanks once again to the tireless dblade for drawing them, I've just posted the following items to "Body-Male-Standard" (female versions to follow ... some time):

These are essentially some of the existing paired legs, separated, I believe. Hope you like them!

Sharing Day, Holiday Geekery Edition

You WILL have a merry Christmas!

With Christmas, Chanukah, and the Winter Solstice all happening right around this time, it's definitely the season for giving. So here's what I would like to know about you:

What is your favorite Geek Holiday memory (the best geeky gift you have ever either given or received, a cool geek-themed holiday gathering, etc.)?

In return, if you wish you can ask me any question you like about whatever you like, which I will answer either completely truthfully or not at all (in which case you can ask something else). You don't have to ask me anything if you don't want, but I'd still like to hear your answer to the question.

Speaking of which, my answer would be:

One year when I was a kid I got this big plastic Japanese robot called Mazinga that had a ship docked in its head and missiles that fired out of its hand. I had seen very little anime and didn't know who the heck Mazinga was, but he was cool. I had that thing forever and got a lot of enjoyment out of it.

Now it's your turn!

Not with your underwear on the outside of your pants, you won't

(From "The Green Mask" volume 2, number 2, 1945.)

A salty puzzle

When last we left our intrepid post-Apocalyptic explorer, he was deep in the middle of Fish Week (aka Freshman Orientation) at the local U. We decided to check out a large crate:

Aha! NaCl, what could that possibly mean ... apparently it's the kind of thing you don't have to know, you just have to be perceptive enough to figure it out. Somehow. Luckily we roll a 6 on the Idiot-O-Meter, clearing us to:

Hey, it's salt, everybody! Who knew that NaCl was salt?! Well, we can certainly see the value of a college education, that's for darn sure. I bet behind the door is shelf after shelf of tequila and margarita glasses! Our choice at this point is to either head back to the caravan with our ill-gotten goods, or move on to checking out the door. Given the tenor of our last debate (aka "Pillage Everything"), I'm going to skip ahead and decide to check out the door:

Oooo, a puzzle! How exciting! Given this universe's amazing ability to intuit scientific information just by looking around, hopefully the answer will just come to us, BAM. I'll wait.


OK, not so much. Dang. Looks like we'll have to figure this one out ourselves. Take a crack at it and leave your best guess with your reasoning in the comments. Maybe when we get enough that seem reasonable we'll put it up to a vote. Put on those Santa-shaped thinking caps, folks!

"And the pigeons of death" is a great way to end ANY sentence

(From "The Green Mask" volume 2, number 2, 1945.)

Wingin' it

With many and profound thanks to dblade for drawing them, I am happy to announce that I have just uploaded the following set of items to the Backplane-Wings set for HeroMachine 3. As you can see, they're outstanding:

I realize segmented spider legs aren't exactly "wings" but I had the file open anyway and couldn't think of a more logical place. So nyah.


The Green Mask Dialogs

We've had a bit of a running debate recently over the costume worn by the 1940's comic book hero, "The Green Mask":

Personally, I think that overall he's got a pretty sporty look. I dig the tied back Zorro-style mask, the piping on his legs, and the roll-top gloves. I admit the colors are a bit much -- green and yellow and red and light blue and dark blue -- but at least they're muted in value so they don't leap up and poke out your eyeballs.

However, I'm posting him here on "Bad Costume Wednesday" because of his belt, which is new to the "second edition" Green Mask that was more of a Captain Marvel rip-off instead of the earlier Batman rip-off. In this version, a young boy turns into Green Mask (I think they dropped the "The" from the name) when he a) gets angry and b) says the magic words, "EEEOW". I'm not making that up. Whereas Captain Marvel turns into the mighty Shazam by uttering a name made up of the first initials of the Greek pantheon of gods, Green Mask has to make like a cat with a harelip.

Getting back to the belt -- if you have to run around with your initials on your navel like an absent-minded school boy afraid of losing his coat, you've got yourself some trouble. And call me a traditionalist, but if you have a color in your name, you ought to use that color in your logo. He's not "The Red Initials", after all.

I also don't quite get the value of having piped trousers beneath your unitard. Pants go over your underwear, big guy -- even Billy Batson didn't make that mistake.

Now THAT's random

(From "The Green Mask" volume 2, number 1, 1945.)