Yearly Archives: 2011

Good point

(From "Hard Ones" number 1, 2011.)

Character Contest 74: Libra

This week's Character Design Challenge brings us the conclusion of the Zodiac Cycle with the final sign, Libra!

Libra usually shows as scales, though sometimes that's joined to the Roman concept of the goddess of justice. You could design a character named Libra, or twins who are diametrically opposed (balancing each other out), or a massive weapons system code-named Libra, or a straight-up set of cool looking scales, or anything else you can think of that fits in any way into the name, concept, or history of Libra. This is your last Zodiac, so be sure to make it count!

The person with the winning entry as selected by our expert panel (i.e. me) will win their choice of a) a portrait to go in HeroMachine 3, b) an item to go in HeroMachine 3, or c) a custom black and white "Sketch of the Day" style drawing (also by me). The rules otherwise are the same as always:

  • All entries must be in JPG or PNG form (BMPs are too big), posted to a publicly accessible website (like ImageShack, PhotoBucket, the UGO Forums, whatever);
  • Entries must be made as a comment or comments to this post, containing a link directly to the image and the character name;
  • The image cannot have been used in any previous HeroMachine character design contest;
  • Please name your files as [your name]-[character name].[file extension]. So DiCicatriz, for instance, would save his "Bayou Belle" character image as DiCicatriz-BayouBelle.png.
  • Please make the link go directly to the image (like this) and not to a hosting jump page (like this). If you see "preview" or "rotate" somewhere in the link you're probably doing it wrong.
  • All entries must be in by next Monday, when I'll choose a winner.

Good luck everyone! Since this is the last one, no limit on entries. Knock yourself out!

Caption Contest 109 Winners!

Thanks to everyone who entered Caption Contest 109! We had some great submissions, including this selection of Finalists:

  • TopHat: You’re the one who wanted to meet in ‘Stinky’s Bar’.
  • Twiggyseed: Are you gonna join our gang of horrible neckwear or not?
  • Dan: “They should really start handing out Right Guard at these Comicons.”
  • Watson Bradshaw: Sorry, Willie Nelson scented candles seemed to be a good idea.
  • sean from edwards: Then maybe the sewage treatment plant wasn’t the best place for a wine tasting.
  • TheNate: “You can’t unring the Taco Bell.”
  • TheNate: That’s how it works here. I toot, he shoots.
  • Joel: “Hey, when you called the assassin’s guild you asked or some one silent but deadly.”

Those are all a hoot, but ultimately I decided to go with three-time Caption Contest Winner, TheNate, for a clever and completely appropriate take on a classic saying:

Congratulations to TheNate and all of our Finalists!

More "Life before the Comics Code Authority"

(via Chris' Invincible Super-Blog.)

Power User Profile: Jessica

Although she has yet to win a contest outright, she has made it as a Finalist several times and is always a fun, interesting, and motivated participant in our discussions. Thus it gives me great happiness to present to you the Power User Profile of Jessica! Has anyone noticed how many different countries HM folks are from? I think that's one of my favorite things about our community, you really get a sense for how comics (and art!) can bring people from very different backgrounds together.

Anyway, heeeeeeeeere's Jessica!

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Too … much … subtext …

(From "Red Seal" number 15, 1941?)

FNF3, Consolation Round 2: Energy Blasters

As you can see, there are some fantastic Energy Blasters whose teams unfortunately did not make it into the top 16. But never fear, you can still see and vote for your favorites! No stories in the consolation rounds due to time and space constraints, but the images speak for themselves.

Good luck everyone! You can vote for your top five, but only once. Click on an image to see it at its largest size.

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Friday Night Fights 3, Round 2: Energy Blasters

With great pleasure, I present Round Two of Friday Night Fights 3, featuring the following fantastic fights:

As a quick review, there are four head-to-head contests this week. You can vote once in each matchup for your favorite. The winner of that fight moves on to face the winner of the next bracket, so the first-place finisher in the Asder-headlessgeneral poll will meet the winner of the Martian Blue -PapaKrok match in week 3.

Good luck to our Elite Eight! Note that you can click on the image in the poll to see it full-size, and that once again results will be hidden until the polls close next Friday at 1 a.m. Mountain Time.

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Friday Night Fights 3 Round 1 Results!

The first round of Friday Night Fights 3, Round 1 has ended and I now proudly present the results! Congratulations to all of our winners, condolences to those who are not advancing, and many thanks to everyone who took the time to enter in the first place. Winners are in bold.

  • Headlessgeneral - Sutol 131, Borntobealoser - Mantis 7.
  • Tarkabarka - Taisen 95, Watson Bradshaw - Ankshir 39.
  • Vampyrist - Bandit 42, AJW - Cuervo Bronce 92.
  • Papa Krok - Takkouri 68, Myro - Riposte 65.
  • Martian Blue - Specter 73, Frevoli - Starr Flagg 67.
  • AMS - Crimson 132, Marquis Samedi - Martial Law 5.
  • DiCicatriz - Synapse 122, Imp - Patriot 20.
  • Kaldath - Kunoichi 59, Asder - Wei Feng the X-2 80.

So advancing to the next round are headlessgeneral, Tarkabarka, AJW, PapaKrok, Martian Blue, AMS, DiCicatriz, and Asder. Congratulations! Here's how the brackets look:

Our Consolation Round 1 champion, who wins their choice of a new HM3 item, a custom portrait of their face, or a black and white illustration on a theme of their choice, is ... TOOL - Quicksand of "The Sand Vipers"! Congratulations to him, and thanks again to all of the contenders in this round. Here's the complete list of results.

Creator Votes Percentage
TOOL - Quicksand of "The Sand Vipers" 93 12.85%
Jamesinchains - Shadow of "Crimson Cyndicate" 85 11.74%
Kyle - Hillary the Werewolf of "The Monster Mash" 49 6.77%
Atomic Punk- King of "Damning Eyes" 48 6.63%
Xion Unborn- Swarm of "The Golden Scarab" 48 6.63%
Cliff - Oni of "Tsunami Force" 46 6.35%
Mercwithamouth - The Raven of "The King's Hand" 43 5.94%
GeneH - Zero of "The Young Mutants" 40 5.52%
Brons - Scarlett of "The Red Gang" 34 4.70%
Skybandit - Purple Pentagram of "Five Stars" 30 4.14%
Jessica - Zephyr of "The Wu Xing" 26 3.59%
Superfan1 - Dr. Sancks of "The Faculty" 24 3.31%
Trekkie - Striker of "The Defenders" 24 3.31%
Gero - Crimson of a no-name team 20 2.76%
ManiacMick - Stryke of "The League of the Scarab" 20 2.76%
alphaalpharomeo - Webb of "The Mutates" 19 2.62%
Kaylin88100 - Tamra of "Guardians of the Wildwood" 16 2.21%
Craig - Psyche of "The Protectors" 11 1.52%
Jo Duggan - Viper of "The Agents" 11 1.52%
Firecracker - Cheetah of "Phoenix" 9 1.24%
VonMalcolm- Tiger Dao of "The Tiamat Triads" 8 1.10%
McKnight57 - Lee Norris of "Hero Corps" 7 0.97%
Hyperanthropos - Agent Kanahele of "The Scouts" 6 0.83%
JordanXord -Madame Blade of "American Power Team" 5 0.69%
Phatchick - Malachite of "The Stunt Jewels" 2 0.28%

Round 3 will be going up in a couple of hours as I set up the polls, upload the characters, and format the post. Thank you for patience, and good luck to everyone going forward!

Always leave flowers the morning after. Or at least a note.

(From "Red Seal" number 14, 1941?)