With thanks to Hammerknight for the suggestion, your Character Design Challenge this week is to create an awesome face. That's right, all entries this time around must be a portrait only of someone who looks interesting, cool, and/or awesome. When I say portrait view, I mean a close-up of the character's head, roughly from the shoulders up to just above the top of the head.
I'm particularly interested in cool-looking faces, though that's not a strict requirement. In other words, if you're doing an image of a knight, it's probably a good idea to put his or her visor in the up position, but you won't be disqualified if it's down instead.
For me, I'm going to be most impressed by faces that look distinctive, as if it could be a picture of an actual human being versus a sort of generic comic book person.
That's not to say you have to make a human face, of course. I'm sure we'll see our fair share of aliens, robots, and "other", all of which I look forward to very much as well!
In addition to the above constraints, the usual rules apply as well:
- Use only a HeroMachine applet (no PhotoShopping except for basic cropping) to create a PNG or JPG of your entry, named as [your name]-[character name].[file extension]. So DiCicatriz, for instance, would save his "Bayou Belle" character image as DiCicatriz-BayouBelle.png.
- Post the image to a publicly accessible website (ImageShack, PhotoBucket, the UGO Forums, etc.).
- Enter the name of your entry and a link directly to the image in a comment to this post. The image cannot have been used in any previous HeroMachine character design contest.
- The link to your image should go directly to the image (like this) and not to a hosting jump page (like this). If you see "preview" or "rotate" somewhere in the link you're probably doing it wrong.
- I'll choose a winner next Monday, who will receive his or her choice of any item or a portrait to be included in the final HeroMachine 3 program, or a "Sketch of the Week" style black and white illustration (you pick the subject and I draw it up however I like).
No limit on entries this week, so knock yourselves out. Good luck everyone!
(Image from the awesome gallery of Michael E. Edens.)