Monthly Archives: June 2011

Poll Position: Sith-n-Cylons

We continue our "Versus" series of probing intellectual questions with the following:


I expect this entire series of polls will form the basis of a hard-hitting PBS series any day now.

Anyway, on to our very erudite and cerebral analysis. With laser guns, PEW-PEW!

On the one hand, the Empire has Sith warriors who can read minds and throw lightning and wield light sabers (sometimes two at once!). A big chunk of the Cylons are human enough that the Force would work on them, which means they're vulnerable to Dark Side powers.

On the other hand, the Empire is made up of 99% regular ol' people, not Sith, all of whom are vulnerable to being replaced by humanoid Cylons themselves. It's hard to win a war when an unknown percentage of the people manning your guns and driving your impressive array of ships work for the other guy.

The Cylons have a record of highly successful coups, almost completely annihilating their human adversaries. The Empire, on the other hand, got its ass kicked by teddy bears and only came to power through clever voting techniques in the Senate. The Senate! So we've got a bunch of underhanded bureaucrats versus bloody-handed genocidal robot people. Yeah.

Given that, I'd probably vote for the Cylons. Plus there'd likely be a cool scene where Darth Vader discovers he's actually the Father of the Cylons, which would be awesome.

Who do you think would win, and why?

Good thing he’s not “The Blue Pigeon”

(From "Big Three" number 1, 1940.)

Caption Contest 100!

It's hard to believe, but this is the one hundredth edition of the HeroMachine Caption Contests! If you'll indulge me, I'm going to take advantage of this centennial episode to take a little stroll down memory lane.

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Character Contest 65 Finalists!

We had a ton of great entries for Character Contest 65 - Gemini, so many thanks to everyone for their awesome submissions!

As usual, I've picked out some of the ones I considered the very best, or the funniest, or that simply have some feature that I thought exceptional enough to bring to your attention.

If yours isn't listed here, that doesn't mean it wasn't good, it just means that in the opinion of one Internet blowhard (i.e. me), it wasn't quite up to the level of some of the others for one reason or another.

And now, your Finalists!

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Big muscles, tiny personal space

(From "Mystery Comics" number 2, 1944.)

The Super Hero Motto

(From "Mystery Comics" number 2, 1944.)

Power User Profile: X-Stacy!

I think X-Stacy is one of the first active commenters on the HeroMachine blog who I actually recognized and look forward to hearing from. Her comments are always intelligent, well written, and entertaining, the kind of digital guest every host wishes would be more common.

Plus, she has the coolest collection of action figures I've ever even heard of set up in her house.

I thought it would be fun to find out more about this witty, erudite person, so it is with great pleasure I give you the woman herself!

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Probably because of his hair

(From "Superboy and the Ravers" number 7, ©1997 DC Comics, via Mike Sterling's Progressive Ruin.)

Open Critique Day #19

It's time once again for another Open Critique Day!

If you have a HeroMachine illustration or another piece of artwork you've done that you'd like some help with, post a link to it in comments along with your thoughts on it -- what you think is working, what you're struggling with, etc. I will post my critique of the piece, hopefully giving some tips on how to improve it.

Of course everyone is welcome to post their critiques as well, keeping in mind the following rules:

  • Make sure your criticism is constructive. Just saying "This sucks" is both rude and unhelpful without giving specific reasons why you think it sucks and, ideally, some advice on how to make it better.
  • Each person should only post one illustration for critique to make sure everyone who wants feedback has a chance.
  • I will not critique characters entered in any currently running contest, as that doesn't seem fair to the other entrants. You can still post it if you like for the other visitors to critique, but I will not do so.

That's it! Hopefully we can get some good interaction going here and help everyone (me included!) learn a little bit today.

Jack Kirby is second only to Neal Adams in geological expertise

(Via Comically Vintage. For more info on what the headline means, check this out.)