We've all worked for a crappy boss before, the kind of guy who makes you wish your cubicle were soundproofed and invisible. Now imagine if that walking bag of hammers had super-powers. Yeah, scary. Which brings us to this week's Poll Position:
Discussion to follow!
- Batman: A brilliant, ruthless, utterly driven man. He's the kind of boss who'd make you come in on Saturday AND Sunday, and when you protest that it's your wife's birthday looks at you like you're speaking Alien. Which he also speaks, but he'd never tell you that because to him, you're pretty much useless. Out of all the guys on the list, I'd vote him Most Likely To Use Me As An Expendable Decoy.
- Cyclops: A proven leader. A bit stiff and humorless, but you don't have to go have beers with the guy after work, he just needs to keep you alive and unpossessed by demons or aliens or mutants. Or all three at once. Those, he dates.
- Reed Richards: On the one hand, you can rely on him to rescue the team from whatever transdimensional bad-ass is threatening the multiverse that day. On the other hand, he's probably the reason why that transdimensional bad-ass is threatening the multiverse that day.
- Professor Xavier: Driven to get the most out of his charges, generally supportive, allows his team to be empowered (literally and metaphorically), lives in a mansion where he lets you crash whenever you want. On the other hand, forget about lying when he asks if you were working on that report or playing Solitaire all day.
- Superman: Superman's a bit too much of a lateral thinker for me. I want a guy who thinks around a problem instead of reflexively reaching for the "Smash" button.
- Captain America: Inspiring, honest, strong, clever, loyal, and generous. The kind of guy people would die for, only he wouldn't ask you to die for him because he'd be there first. Plus he can't read your thoughts, always a bonus in a boss or spouse.
- Iron Man: Prick.
My vote is pretty easy, frankly -- I'd go Cap all the way. However, I can see how his ultra-patriotic, holier-than-thou kind of attitude would grate.
Who would you pick to work for? You can add your own answer if you don't find any of these compelling, but please don't make me go in and delete yours. That makes me grumpy.

Edited to Add: Sadly someone proved incapable of maturity and added an option that was as stupid as it was inappropriate, so I've turned the "add an answer" option off and probably won't ever use it again. This is why we can't have nice things.
(Image © DC Comics.)