My thanks to those who participated in our Halloween Pop Quiz, and my apologies for the results coming in so slowly. I blame my new zippy Internet access for luring me into its siren call, resulting in many lost hours.
Unfortunately I couldn't give a passing grade to very many of the entrants, as most failed to read one of the most important elements, rule 3:
In a comment to this post, give us your critique of the original ...
Only Rozenstal, Cliff's Tigger Boy, MMI, Myro, and Danny provided critiques of the original costume (however brief they might have been, as in Cliff's "He didn't go far enough" epic tome), so only they qualified. Which is too bad, because I honestly thought Marie did the best job with rule 2:
... redesign a better one ...
Most of the qualified entries more or less just recreated the costume in HeroMachine, which wasn't the goal at all -- you were supposed to improve it with the original as the inspiration. I'm sorry if I didn't make that more clear. It does mean, however, that I didn't have a lot of choice, and have given the prize to "Me, Myself, and I" for his cooler and well-explained update of this unfortunate Prom reject:

To this suave, two-faceted international man-about-town:

Congratulations to MMI, who wins his choice of a) any item he likes to be included in HM3; b) a portrait of himself to be included in HM3; or c) a custom black and white "Sketch of the Day" style illustration of any subject he likes (within reason), and thanks to those who entered!