I think it's time we had a full-throated, two-page-spread, Image super-sized caption contest, complete with flying ponytails, ridiculous facial hair, unhinged jaws, incomprehensible female anatomy, outsized onomontoPOWia, no backgrounds, and all the rest of the high quality you've come to expect from the Nineties. Only one thing is missing -- bad dialog! That's where you come in. Whoever comes up for the best or funniest or most appropriate replacement dialog for this vintage Image Nineties panel wins either a portrait or any item of their choosing to be included with HeroMachine 3!
The rules are simple:
- Keep it clean, appropriate for late-night broadcast television;
- No more than three entries per person;
- All entries must be left as a comment (or comments) to this post.
- I'll make the balloon as big as needed to fit the winner.
That's it! Good luck everyone, and as usual I'll announce the winner next Tuesday.
Of course, I can't just let this go without a little gratuitous Image-Nineties-bashing. So skip this bit if you are sick of that kind of thing.